Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coil Pottery

Coil Pottery
Grade 4

Students expanded upon their knowledge of coil-building and constructed complex forms.  Experimentation with assembling the clay coils into different patterns and shapes was encouraged to create an original clay pot.


Air Drying on Shelf

Glazing the Pottery

Unglazed & Glazed work on shelf                                             

Unloading Kiln with Finished Work
 Finished Work



Poetry Banner

Poetry Stage Banner
Grade 3

Mrs. Lurray Gross, a resident poet, did a writers workshop with 3rd grade.  This artwork is a collaboration project and individual illustrations of some of the topics the students wrote about.  A school assembly was held while students read and performed their poem to accompanying music.  What you see below is stage banners used to decorate the stage for the special event.

Picasso Portrait

Student Work